
We have more than a century of history and experience in global healthcare: we started as a small French company and after mergers and acquisitions we became a world leader in the healthcare industry in Europe and the world, with a presence in more than 100 countries and more than 100,000 employees.

We have always sought to challenge ourselves, so we undertook a process of modernization not only in relation to therapies but also as part of our growth as an organization. That is why we renewed our identity, to reflect everything we are and do at Sanofi.

Research and Development

We are a company passionate about research and the constant search for new molecules to develop drugs, treatments and vaccines that improve people's lives. Through clinical studies, we research and develop innovative, safe and effective solutions for thousands of people around the world.


June 3, 2024
May 2, 2024
February 26, 2024
January 10, 2024
10 de febrero de 2024 Segunda temporada de “Raras pero reales”: Un espacio para charlar, entender y concientizar sobre las EPOF, enfermedades poco frecuentes. (pdf)
January 29, 2024