
Parental License

We are the first health care company to offer up to 6 months paid parental leave for all our employees.

Diversity and Inclusion

We have 700 employees in the Southern Cone, 56% of whom are women, demonstrating our commitment to gender balance.

Research and Development

We are a company passionate about research and the constant search for new molecules to develop drugs, treatments and vaccines that improve people's lives. Through clinical studies, we research and develop innovative, safe and effective solutions for thousands of people around the world.


people work in 4 countries in the Southern Cone: Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay.

12million Euros

annual external investment in research


Industrial Plant located in the Pilar Industrial Park. This site produces the hepatitis B antigen that is exported to Sanofi's central laboratories in France for its incorporation in the hexavalent vaccine for pediatric use.