Our responsibility - Corporate citizenship
Sanofi appears to be actively engaged as a socially responsible company in Algeria, implementing various initiatives to support the health and well-being of local communities. Their involvement in health research through the Sanofi-ATRSS Prize is commendable, providing financial support and recognition to young researchers for their innovative work in critical areas such as physiology, biochemistry, and the study of diseases like cancer or asthma.
Furthermore, their "Path to Prevention" program for chronic disease screening, including diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia, shows a concrete commitment to improving public health. By providing comprehensive biological assessments and free medical consultations, Sanofi significantly contributes to raising awareness and managing these diseases.
Their expansion into less accessible regions of the country with a second mobile clinic demonstrates their willingness to broaden access to these vital services, reaching a larger population, particularly in remote areas.
Sanofi's inclusive approach, by listening to local stakeholders and involving employees in concrete actions, demonstrates a real commitment to sustainable development and the well-being of Algerian populations.
It's crucial to continue to encourage such initiatives, expand and strengthen them for long-term impact on the health and well-being of local communities. By consolidating these actions and fostering innovation in the field of health, significant progress can be achieved.
Our approach
- Listening to and dialoguing with local stakeholders
- Deploying actions in favor of the most disadvantaged populations
- Participating in education and employment initiatives for young people
- Mobilizing our employees around concrete actions
- Supporting local economic and social development.
Our initiatives in Algeria
About the SANOFI- ATRSS Health Research Prize
Sanofi Algeria, initiated in September 2013, the SANOFI-ATRSS Health Research Prize, during the visit to Algeria of Sanofi's World President of Research and Development.
This prize is part of the promotion of research work in the healthcare field. It is designed to encourage young researchers in biological disciplines or clinical research, in order to accelerate the transfer of knowledge towards diagnostic and therapeutic applications.
Sanofi Algeria has instituted a national prize of the first edition, endowed with 2,000,000 DA, for the benefit of a young Algerian researcher who has, over the last 3 years, carried out innovative work in scientific research aimed at improving the health of citizens.
The first Sanofi Prize was launched and awarded in 2014 to Madame Amel MEDJDOUB, Doctor in Physiology and Biochemistry of Nutrition at Abou-Bekr Belkaïd University, Tlemcen. She was awarded for her work on assessing the effects of pesticides on lymphocyte proliferation and oxidative stress in vitro.
The winners of the third edition are:
* 1st prizewinner: Mr. Kerboua Kheir Eddine, for his work entitled: "Développement d'un test compagnon à base du complément dans le cancer, étude pilote sur le LNHCB".
* 2nd prizewinner: Mr. Boukhatem Mohamed Nadjib for his work entitled: ". Valorisation de l'Huile Essentielle de Citronnelle en Dermopharmacie : Mise au point d'une Formulation Topique Naturelle (Crème Dermique) aux Propriétés Antimicrobienne, Anti-inflammatoire et Cicatrisante".
* 3rd prizewinner: Ms Amel BOUMENDJEL for her work entitled:
"EXPLOITATION D'UN MODELE D'ASTHME EXPERIMENTAL: Etude des Marqueurs de l'Inflammation et du Stress Oxydatif & Valorisation des Plantes Médicinales Locales".
The three winners of the competition receive the following prizes:
The first prizewinner receives a cheque for two million (2,000,000) Algerian dinars.
The second prizewinner receives a cheque for one million five hundred thousand (1,500,000) Algerian dinars.
The third prizewinner receives a cheque for one million (1,000,000) Algerian dinars.
The road to prevention
Sanofi is committed to working with local populations and communities, in partnership with the Algerian authorities, to improve screening for chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and their complications throughout Algeria, through the "Chemin de la prévention" program and its two Mobile Clinics. Through this project, we are also helping to improve knowledge of these pathologies by collecting epidemiological data. Subjects eligible for the screening campaigns receive the following examinations free of charge:
- A complete biological check-up;
- A consultation with a general practitioner and specialist consultations with a diabetologist, ophthalmologist and cardiologist.
In October 2017, Sanofi in Algeria once again renewed its commitment to Algerian patients and authorities, by providing the Ministry of Health, Population and Hospital Reform with a second mobile clinic that will enable better coverage of the national territory, particularly cities in the south and high plateaus.