Vaccines and immunization MYTHS AND FACTS
Giving multiple antigens in 1 vaccine and/or multiple vaccines in a single visit may overwhelm or weaken the immune system of my baby.
It is recommended to vaccinate young children early in life as this is when they are most susceptible to dangerous infectious diseases. Many vaccines are given as combination vaccines. This reduces the number of shots a child receives at each vaccination visit and provides protection early on. Many studies show that vaccines are as effective when given as a combination, as they are when given individually. More importantly, getting multiple vaccinations does not weaken the child’s immune system, which is capable of responding to multiple vaccine antigens at the same time.1
If a vaccine does not produce fever and/or any bit of reaction, it may not be responding well.
While fever is a common side effect of vaccinations, they only occur in 10-25% of immunizations. Almost all children respond to vaccinations and will have an immune response even when there is no fever.2
We need to delay the vaccination for the next visit, as vaccinations are less effective when given during a cough or cold.
Your child should get vaccinations on time to protect against serious diseases. A mild illness such as a cough, cold, diarrhea or a low grade fever does not affect how well the body responds to a vaccine. Having a vaccine during a mild illness or during a course of antibiotics also does not affect the immune system’s ability to fight the illness. If your child has a more serious illness such as a high fever, it may be advisable to postpone your child’s vaccinations. This is mainly because reactions to the vaccine such as fever could make it more difficult to diagnose or treat an ongoing serious illness. Speak to your child’s doctor for advice in such situations.3
I should wait till my child grows, as vaccines do not respond well in an under-developed immune system.
IAP has a recommended schedule for vaccination, as per the age of your child.4 Younger babies are at higher risk of developing severe infections from vaccine-preventable diseases and delaying your baby’s vaccinations unduly increases the time they remain susceptible to these diseases. A regular boosting is a better choice for continued protection.5
Stand-alone vaccines should be chosen over combination vaccines, as combination vaccines are less effective.
All available combination vaccines are evaluated under controlled environment to evaluate their safety and efficacy and may be compared against other stand-alone vaccines. Once found favorable with respect to safety and efficacy, then only the vaccine gets the authorization to market. Hence, effectiveness and safety should not be the concern. However, combination vaccines also provide the advantage of reducing multiple pricks, additional vaccination visits, multiple injection site reactions and ensure completion of vaccination coverage.6
1 Offit, P. A., Quarles, J., Gerber, M. A., Hackett, C. J., Marcuse, E. K., Kollman, T. R., Landry, S. (2002). Addressing parents concerns: do multiple vaccines overwhelm or weaken the infants immune system?. Pediatrics, 109(1), 124–129. doi: 10.1542/peds.109.1.124
2 Fever and Vaccines | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (; accessed on 08 Jul 2022
3 Feemster, K. A., & Offit, P. (2013). Delaying Vaccination Is Not a Safer Choice. JAMA Pediatrics, 167(12), 1097–1098. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.3071
4 Kasi SG, et al. Indian Pediatrics. 2021 Jan;58(1):44-53.
5 Feemster, K. A., & Offit, P. (2013). Delaying Vaccination Is Not a Safer Choice. JAMA Pediatrics, 167(12), 1097–1098. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.3071
6 Cuesta Esteve et al. Preventive Medicine Reports 22 (2021) 101376
The information on this site is issued in public interest by Sanofi Healthcare Pvt Ltd with the intention to create general awareness around immunization including combination vaccines for children. This information does not constitute any medical advice, opinion and/or recommendation / or promotion of Sanofi products. Please consult your child’s doctor for details regarding immunization.