The Paris 2024 Games Opening Ceremony « Horse » exhibited at La Maison Sanofi From October 2024

Published on: July 27, 2024


As part of its partnership with Paris 2024, we will host the “metal horse” from the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games Paris 2024. Centerpiece of the ceremony, the horse that rode through Paris during the ceremony will be on display at La Maison Sanofi, our global headquarters in Paris, from October 2024.

With the aim of offering a novel staging of several protocol elements, including the arrival of the Olympic flag, the doves of peace and the Olympic anthem, Thomas Jolly, Artistic Director of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games Ceremonies, wanted to bring out a galloping horsewoman launched up the Seine, symbolizing the entire route of the world's delegations, and embodying all the values of Olympism.

A symbol of resilience, peace, solidarity and unity, this “horse” galloping across Paris perfectly embodies the values that have been at the heart of the partnership between Sanofi and Paris 2024 since it was signed in 2021. More than a powerful symbol, the horse is also the result of the know-how and spirit of scientific and artistic innovation of a French company based in the Nantes region.

The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 showed the world French cultural audacity, and the horse that rode up the Seine will remain one of its most striking symbols. The values of excellence, technical and scientific innovation, and openness to the world that this iron horse embodies are perfectly aligned with the values promoted by Sanofi as part of its partnership. We are proud to contribute to the legacy of Paris 2024 by enabling this work of art to shine after the Games.
Paul Hudson

Paul Hudson

Chief Executive Officer, Sanofi

During the Paris 2024 Games, nearly 8,000 employees from over fifty countries will benefit from a Games experience, whether as volunteers or simple ticket holders. Continuing this unprecedented mobilization of our employees, we will first exhibit the horse at La Maison Sanofi, where Sanofians from around the world can come and admire this strong symbol of the partnership. We will then donate the horse to a museum, enabling as many people as possible to discover this work of art.

With Sanofi, Premium Partner of Paris 2024, we are proud to have given, this evening, the kick-off of these Olympic Games on which we have worked for so many years. During this absolutely masterful opening ceremony, an exceptional piece was unveiled: a metallic Horse, which will be on display at La Maison Sanofi, alongside the employees who helped bring the project to life, and we're very pleased about that. Bravo and thank you to Sanofi, we can't wait to continue the Games adventure, together!
Tony Estanguet

Tony Estanguet

President of Paris 2024


Sanofi X Paris 2024

Paris 2024 Partnership

Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Torches Relays

Sanofi Cup