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1. This form is designed to analyze your interest in partenering with Sanofi for potential business development projects.
2. Your personnal data is for the sole use of Business Developement to ensure the proper communication with you and is protected by our global privacy policy you can find here.
3. You represent that the information you provide in this web site is original to you and that you are under no contractual or legal obligation to maintain such information in confidence.
4. You acknowledge that you are 18 years of age or older and can form legally biding contract under applicable law.
5. You acknowledge that Sanofi is not receiving your information or suggestion in confidence, and that receipte of your information or suggestion does not create a confidential relationship between Sanofi and you.
6. All your rights and remedies arising out of your disclosure to Sanofi are limited exclusively to rights and remedies under United States patent law and copyright law.