Christophe Babule

Christophe Babule - Independant Director at the Board of Directors of Sanofi and Member of the Audit Committee
Christophe Babule, Director

At a Glance

Date of birth

September 20, 1965



First elected or appointed

February 2019

Last reappointment

May 2022

Term expires

General Meeting 2026

Education and Business Experience

On November 19, 2018 Christophe Babule has been appointed Executive Vice-President, Chief Financial Officer and member of L'Oréal's Executive Committee as of mid-February 2019.

Christophe Babule has spent his career with L'Oréal, which he joined in 1988. He spent 7 years in the Luxury Division in Italy before being appointed as Director of Administration & Finance based in China. In 2007, he was appointed Administration & Financial Director for Mexico. In 2010, he returned to France to join Christian Mulliez's Executive Committee as Director of Internal Audit for nearly 5 years. Afterwards he was appointed to the position of Administration & Financial Director for the Asia Pacific Zone based in Shanghai and then in Hong Kong.

Christophe Babule is a graduate of HEC (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales) Paris and holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in finance.

Contact information

46, avenue de la Grande Armée - 75017 Paris (France)

Directorships & Appointments

Inside the Sanofi Group


Member of the Audit Committee

Outside the Sanofi Group

L’Oréal*: Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

L’Oréal*: Director of the "L’Oréal pour les femmes" Foundation (France)

* Listed company

Meet the Sanofi Board of Directors

Frédéric Oudéa - Chairman of the Board of Directors

Frédéric Oudéa

Chairman of the Board of Directors