Clinical Study Results Medicines, including Rare Diseases


Information about sponsored clinical trials and result information are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to promote any product or use. Clinical study results are intended to report the results of the study that were known at the time of the study's completion. The results therefore do not provide a comprehensive and current review of the safety and efficacy of any drug based upon all information available. Physicians and patients should refer to the current approved product labeling for information on approved indications in their country. In the event that the product is described as no longer a Sanofi product, reasons could include that the product was discontinued or transferred to another company.

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a health care professional. Only a physician can determine if a specific medicine is the correct or best treatment option for a particular patient. If you have questions, please consult a health care professional.

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* These study results were previously posted on
** This link replaces the same summary that was previously posted