Follow the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Torches Relays

As Premium Partner of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games and Official Partner of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Torches Relays, we celebrate human achievement across various frontiers. From sport to science, our partnership is a symbolic representation of our commitment to push boundaries and never settle for patients.
A Sanofian proudly holding the Paris 2024 Olympic Torch
A Sanofian proudly holding the Paris 2024 Olympic Torch

Follow the Flame with Sanofi

Follow the Flame in France

Together, we’re leading the Science Relay

The Olympic and Paralympic Torch Relays symbolize unity and the pursuit of excellence.

They also represent the collaborative journey of Sanofians, chasing the miracles of science together and illuminating the path towards scientific and medical breakthroughs, one step at a time.

Shining a Spotlight on Healthcare Innovation

Over the course of three months, the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Torches Relays will create unique moments for people across France and its regions to come together and celebrate.

The Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Torches will stop at several Sanofi sites, where we will showcase the future of healthcare innovation and our contribution to French scientific and industrial excellence.

For innovation to happen, every year we invest approximately 2.5 billion euro in R&D in France and 300-400 million euros in modernizing our manufacturing footprint.

Fast Facts


Stopovers at Sanofi Sites


City crossings and/or celebrations in cities near Sanofi Sites


Sanofian Torchbearers

Meet Some of Our Sanofi Torchbearers

294 Sanofians coming from all walks of life and backgrounds will have the chance of a lifetime to carry the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Torches.

Those selected represent the thousands of Sanofians who work every day to improve people’s lives and who meet criteria as outlined by Paris 2024. In addition to overall motivation, selection criteria were designed to be inclusive, such as gender equality and the inclusion of people with disabilities.

Check out a few of the Sanofians who will participate in the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Torches Relays below:



"I believe in our mission which is making a real positive impact in our community and I’m honored to be a part of it. Together, we can make a difference and create a more caring world."



"Experiences in my personal life have made me sensitive to the inclusion of people with disabilities. As manager of an industrial site, I’m always looking for ways to promote inclusion and change the way people look at disability, both in the workplace and in everyday life."



"I want to show that we all have something to contribute to France, whatever our cultural or socio-economic background, and in doing so, inspire marginalised communities."



"Despite my disability, I have been able to push my limits and live my life to the fullest. For me, effort, commitment and diligence are key. I’m proud to have gotten back into sports and to be selected as a Torchbearer. Together, we go farther!"



"No matter who we are or where we come from, if you have any kind of disability, sports bring out a person’s determination to succeed, to surpass oneself and so much more. That's the magic of sports!"



"As a former high-level rugby player, I've had some wonderful experiences that have helped me in my position as Regional Director, especially when it comes to team management. The values of teamwork, self-sacrifice and fighting for your team and company continue to serve me on a daily basis."

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Our Paris 2024 Volunteers

The Sanofi Cup

Impulsions 2024