Information for Healthcare Professionals

If you are a healthcare professional, you can visit our website for information specifically aimed at healthcare professionals.

Podcasts for health professionals

Sanofi publishes a number of podcasts in different therapeutic areas aimed at healthcare professionals. We discuss the latest research and studies with leading experts in each field.


A conversation about diabetes
A Sanofi podcast about diabetes for healthcare professionals. We talk to knowledgeable people on the subject and highlight news, studies and research on diabetes in Sweden and internationally.

Patient support: How to deal with a serious illness?

At Sanofi, our passion is to prevent, treat and cure diseases. We are driven to improve public health and find new solutions for patients by combining science with a deep understanding of patient needs.

Having a serious and long-term or chronic illness can change your life in many ways, requiring mental and physical capacity. Inspired by the needs of our patients, we have created these brochures in collaboration with psychologists Johanna Stenberg & Jan-Henry Stenberg from Finland in an effort to help people who have been affected by a serious illness.

The aim is to help patients gain perspective and understanding of their illness and inspire a way to cope with their new situation. Let's look at how to get out of the crisis caused by the disease!

Healthcare professionals can order the brochures in print via the form under:

Serious illness diagnosis - how do I proceed now? 

What happens when you get a serious illness and how do you deal with a life-changing diagnosis?

On World Health Day on 7 April, we organized a Facebook live stream on coping with a serious illness, where a psychologist answered questions on this topic. We also discussed how family members can help in such a difficult situation.

How do I proceed now?

Suspicion of a serious illness can be very stressful and confirmation of the illness is almost always a shock. Even if you have had premonitions, it is normal for the news to provoke strong emotions or even paralysis. Adjusting to the new situation can be a long process with many phases that require time and patience. This brochure is intended for patients and families whose lives have been affected in some way by a serious illness.

Are you feeling worried?

Do you have a scheduled doctor's appointment, test or examination? Does it make you feel uncomfortable? An unpleasant situation can create anxiety in your body, which can be reinforced by your own thoughts. If the thoughts are negative, the situation can be even more unpleasant. This leaflet is designed for people who are feeling anxious and contains a number of practical exercises to reduce and control anxiety.

 Helping children cope with serious illness

Serious illness affects the whole family and circle of relatives. Minor family members are in a very vulnerable position as their ability to cope with unexpected and unpleasant changes is still developing.

Life exposes us to many situations, all of which may not be what we want. When a family faces an illness, the child needs support both for the demanding situation as well as reassurance to grow and develop. This guide has been developed to help consider the child in a situation where a relative, adult or child has become seriously ill.