Georgia's Dream

“When I was a child, I would spend Saturday morning watching superhero cartoons. I wanted to grow up and be like Lois Lane®. I think that’s where my journalism career came from. She was a strong woman with drive and determination. I wanted to be like her.
At the same time, I had a strong maternal instinct and always wanted a family of my own. I would imagine my life, married at 22, kids at 24, two children, and seven pets. And I’ve achieved all those things now–a career and a family–though none of it is exactly how I expected. I don’t have seven pets, thank goodness!
The road wasn’t easy. I got meningitis when I was a child, which left me with significant hearing loss. I’m completely deaf in my right ear and slightly deaf in my left. It meant I struggled through school and often felt alienated. An enlightening moment came in my last year at school when I took a course on Buddhism. I was drawn to its one ultimate goal: to be happy. I realized nothing else mattered. The way I saw my dreams for the future changed; instead of seeking out classic things, all I wanted was to be happy.
And with the birth of each of my three children, my original dreams shifted.

Georgia, after the birth of her third child, Sienna
Birthing educator in London, UK
Giving birth was, in fact, the making of the real me. I found it empowering, despite even going through a miscarriage. I realized that sense of empowerment in childbirth was integral to my goal of happiness. So, I changed careers, left my job as a journalist in London, and focused on helping other parents feel empowered by their birth experiences.
My dream is that all new parents go into a birth informed and educated so that they make the right decisions for them. We live in a generation of fear. Women are often afraid of childbirth, but if every woman could go into it feeling calm, confident, and in control, there would be better outcomes for the whole family.
I’m passionate about my job. It is incredibly fulfilling.
What do I dream for my children? To be happy, to feel safe, secure, and enjoy the simple things in life. I dream of raising them with roots and wings: roots to know that they can always come home and never forget where they came from, and wings to fly and broaden their horizons.”
Lois Lane®: Registered trademark of DC Comics.
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